Monday, March 18, 2013

Game of Food for S2

I ended up cooking two meals because people came to the party in shifts; this meant that not everyone participated in all games, but more on that in later posts.

Because I am completely unoriginal where food is concerned, I turned to the internet and found Inn at the Crossroads.  What a great site!  Who didn't want to try some of the food GRRM describes (in such detail)?  I also love that the recipes are referenced by book.

Luckily, the people at IatC have a great variety of dishes to try.  Some of the recipes even have a Middle Ages version vs. a version people might try today.  Some of the food is waaaay over the top for me... I am in NO WAY a foodie so I have to find easy stuff to make.  Anyway, there are lots of great pics too.

PS: If anyone wants to send me a copy of IatC's official book, I would really love it.  Thanks.  :D

Meal #1

Breakfast (brunch) at Winterfell

We had soft-boiled eggs, sharp cheese, some expensive bacon, and fresh bread (purchased, not made!) with honey and jellies.

To the right is a picture of the aftermath.

I had never made soft-boiled eggs before, and some of them did turn out to be a little bit more hard-boiled than I intended.  Still good and simple!

Meal #2

Meal two was a bit more involved only because of the chicken.  It was the first time I have ever used a rotisserie chicken (and I used three), and it was a pretty cool experience.

Honeyed Chicken
Spinach and Mushroom Salad
Baked Potatoes
Lemon Cookies (spoiler alert... These were the worst freaking cookies I ever made, and it was totally my fault for using too much flour. You can see them in the middle of the table.  They're the white lumps that merge into one big white pile of crap.)

Anyway, here's a pic of before.  The "after" picture is just too messy.

I have to admit, while it was fun having some meade in those cool goblets my dad owns, I REALLY didn't like the taste of the stuff.  We'll be passing next time.

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